Innovative Solutions for Cross Laminated Timber Structures

Coordinator: Boris Azinović, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), Slovenia
boris.azinovic (at)
Other partners: AT, DE, ES, SE
Project duration: 03/2019-09/2022
Project abstract:
The research project Innovative Solutions for Cross Laminated Timber Structures (InnoCrossLam) was recently completed. The project aimed to increase the competitiveness of CLT as a versatile engineering product by improving its predictability in challenging design situations not covered by current guidelines or standards and codes foreseeable in the near future (e.g., second generation of European design standards). The motivation for the research topics within the InnoCrossLam project is hidden behind an important development of multi-storey timber construction in the last two decades, in particular the introduction of cross laminated timber (CLT).
Although the introduction of CLT to the market must be considered as a success story, from a European perspective, the increasing use of CLT is still held back by the lack of supporting regulations for its design and construction. For example, there is still a lack of harmonised standards and uniform design approaches in structural design codes. In addition, other complementary engineering tools such as handbooks are fragmented and national as a result, there is a risk of such documents leading to different recommendations. Finally, several common design situations are not covered at all.
Within InnoCrossLam, both basic research and applied studies on innovative concepts have been performed. The work included studies to obtain in-depth and fundamental knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of CLT, including connections and moisture-related behaviour. In addition, the work addressed applied research by including studies on prototypes of innovative concepts related to CLT with embedded functionality in terms of heating and ventilation (known as thermal activation). Finally, the InnoCrossLam project aimed to propose practical design approaches and formulas that can be included in future building codes and standards.
Project website: link
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Project presentation at ForestValue kick-off seminar 23-24 May 2019: pdf
Stakeholder Article 1 InnoCrossLam – Presenting the first year progress
Stakeholder Article 2 InnoCrossLam – Innovative multifunctional CLT
Stakeholder Article 3 InnoCrossLam – Experimental and numerical investigations of CLT