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As part of the ForestValue2 Conference 2024, a Communication Workshop was held, primarily for the funded projects of ForestValue2 JC2023. Led by Rhonda Smith from Minerva Communications UK, the workshop attracted over 20 participants. Here are Rhonda’s key takeaways:

The Appliance of Science to Forestry Communications

Strategic thinking is embedded into planning research proposals and their delivery but when it comes to communications and dissemination activities, this logical approach is often missing.

What did we do last time?

We don’t have money to invest in this activity.

I have no time to spend on this.

Too busy doing the research and writing my papers.

These are the common responses when – again too often – this critical activity is brought up towards the end of a research project.

However, data from a cross-section of EU funded projects tells us that if communications actions are planned and allowed for in proposals and budgets and applied from Day One they deliver exponential benefits. Outreach, engagement, on-going project and personal recognition coupled with positive altmetrics all deliver an upward ‘curve’. 

I was delighted to have the opportunity to discuss this often undervalued topic with enthusiastic representatives from ForestValue2’s latest crop of funded projects.  During the half-day workshop, the attendees representing the whole spectrum of forestry and timber topics – from genetics to recycling – were able to get to know one another, share their experiences of communications actions, good, indifferent and bad.

With Aristotle we explored his Rhetorical Triangle and the triumvirate of Logos, Ethos and Pathos ending on the core topic of ‘empathy’ and the need to understand your audience, their needs and be clear about your own ambitions from the outset. Asking yourself ‘What do I want to happen as a result of this communications action?’ is a vital first step to securing success.

The mnemonic RSTCC provided an agreed framework to bring scientific principles into communications actions. Clarity on Rationale, leads to Strategic thinking, strong appropriate Tactics, diamond clear Content, and selection of appropriate Channels.

I couldn’t hear myself think for much of the session due to the chatter – a very good sign!- and I would like to thank attendees for giving me the pleasure of working with them. We will all remember the light-hearted ‘Hot Air Balloon Race’ that pitched project against project to secure an on-going presence in the balloon’s basket as it hurtled earthwards. The refinement and greater clarity of messaging as the rounds progressed was telling – a sense of jeopardy definitely focuses the mind!

Good luck ForestValue2 with your projects – may the communications force be with you!

Rhonda Smith, Minerva Communications UK,