Cutting-Edge Forest Technologies and Management Solutions
European forestry faces a number of challenges, from lack of resource efficiency and modernisation, to decline in available skills and human resources in the sector, and not to mention the need to ensure minimal environmental impact. As a key sector which provides rural jobs and affects other industries, innovative tools and thinking is needed to ensure the sustainability of European forest resources moving forward.
The project group on Cutting-Edge Forest Technologies and Management Solutions forms the projects of the ForestValue ERA-NET Cofund initiative. They have brought out innovative solutions for the sustainable management of multifunctional forests as well as innovative industrial production and processing technologies, products, concepts and services.
If you are a player in the forestry sector, then browse through our catalogue of results and see how you can benefit!
Catalogue Promotional Video:
A separate Catalogue Promotional Flyer is available in PDF here.
All together, these projects bring forward the following:
- New processes for producing wood products
- Better understanding of the properties of wood and technologies for its analysis
- New techniques and technologies to support the valuation and valorisation of forests and wood
- An understanding the players in the wood economy from the grassroots and introducing methodologies and tools to improve their performance
- Research on the effects of policy on the wood economy and providing insights for improvement
- New or improved wood products for industrial application
- Methodologies and tools to improve wood economy performance
- Techniques and technologies to support the valuation and valorisation of forests and wood
Catalogue of Results
The projects have produced 49 results that are organised into the following categories:
- Wood Construction Material Innovations and Guidelines
- Forest Management and Logistics Solutions
- Policy Reports and Recommendations
- Wood Material Research and Insights Library
Forestry players are encouraged to browse through our catalogue and get in touch with the result owners to see how these results can benefit you!
High-Value Added Wood Products
Wood Grading Solutions & Technologies
Result | Result type1 | Project | Contact |
READiStrength State-of-the-Art Reports on Strength Grading Covers grading methodology, underlying regulations for applying strength grading procedures and industrial views on their applicability. | Publications | READiStrength | Anders Lycken firstname.lastname[at] |
FIRENWOOD testing and classification system for adhesives for structural fire applications A classification method improving fire design models by thorough experimental validation. | Classification System | FIRENWOOD | |
Final CLICKdesign model A performance-based specification protocol to enable provision of a software tool for architects and specifiers to embed service life performance specification for wood. | Software | CLICKdesign | Ed Suttie firstname.lastname[at] |
FIRENWOOD State-of-the-art report A detailed overview of where wood elements can be applied with which requirements to fire resistance rating, and which field of use is currently excluded. | Study | FIRENWOOD | |
FIRENWOOD small-scale and model-scale testing Fire development and fire properties testing methodology. | Methodology | FIRENWOOD | |
FIRENWOOD design models for structures with I-joists, CLT and glued-in fasteners Improved fire design models by thorough experimental validation. | Design Models | FIRENWOOD | |
READiStrength Strength grading models based on log characteristics Solutions for manufacturers that can be implemented in different technical systems for scanner systems. | Models | READiStrength |
Magnus Fredriksson firstname.1.lastname[at] Andreas Weidenhiller firstinitial.lastname[at] Andreas Briggert firstname.lastname[at] Udo Sauter Olof Broman |
READiStrength models for timber strength grading based on board characteristics Mathematical solutions for different technological grading applications which can be used by scanner manufacturers. | Models | READiStrength |
Andreas Weidenhiller firstinitial.lastname[at] Olof Broman |
READiStrength Combined wood log and board strength grading concepts Combinations of different state-of-the-art scanning technologies on log and board basis could provide new concepts for material flow through sawmill production. | System | READiStrength |
Andreas Weidenhiller firstinitial.lastname[at] Magnus Fredriksson firstname.1.lastname[at] Franka Brüchert firstname.lastname[at] |
READiStrength Timber strength prediction concept for CT data generating models of boards Wood board finite element models generated from CT data provide an advanced understanding of the wood strength | Process | READiStrength | Johannes Huber firstname.lastname[at]ltu.seAndreas Weidenhiller firstinitial.lastname[at] Olof Broman firstname.lastname[at] |
Framework for grading of secondary timber An approach for assigning design properties for a batch of timber, when the situation is out-of-scope of EN 14081 | Methodology | InFutUReWood | Karin Sandberg firstname.lastname[at]ri.seDan Ridley-Ellis firstinitial.lastname[at] |
Wood Construction Material Innovations and Guidelines
Result | Result type1 | Project | Contact |
hardwood_joint implementable design rules Allows practitioners to implement developed solutions into building practice. | Methodology | hardwood_joint | |
Quantification of structural damping in as-built tall timber buildings Provides exact tall timber building#e2efd9 behaviour data allowing validation of calculations or optimising future designs. | System | DynaTTB | Marie Johansson firstname.lastname[at] |
Identification and quantification of the effects of connections and non-structural elements Provides architects & civil engineers better insight on different building technologies and how they affect the overall behaviour of tall timber buildings. | Publication | DynaTTB | Marie Johansson firstname.lastname[at] |
Finite element models for tall timber buildings Includes approaches used to model different kinds of tall timber buildings. | Model | DynaTTB | Marie Johansson firstname.lastname[at] |
Taller timber building wind design guidelines Covers specific design advice, state of the art (timber construction systems, finite element modelling, in-situ measurements, …) and case studies. | Publication | DynaTTB | Marie Johansson firstname.lastname[at] |
Numerical modelling of asymmetrical CLT structures on seismic areas Design recommendations for multi-story timber buildings built in earthquake areas. | Study | InnoCrossLam | Boris Azinović firstname.lastname[at] |
Adaption of a 3D Multisurface failure criterion for clear wood The Abaqus user material subroutine includes multi-surface failure criterion with ideal plasticity. | Source Code | InnoCrossLam | Josef Füssl firstname.lastname[at] |
State of the art in design of CLT structures Common practices and solutions for typical challenges in structural design for engineers dealing with CLT. | Blueprint | InnoCrossLam | Martin Schenk firstname.lastname[at] |
A tool for assessing the reuse potential of timber buildings An indicator system to assess if a building is designed for disassembly in accordance with ISO 20887 | Publication | InFutUReWood | Ylva Sandin firstname.lastname[at] |
Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures– state-of-the-art-review It discusses technical premises for a potential circular use of timber in building construction in low-rise timber buildings, up to 3 storeys, in seven countries | Publication
Study | InFutUReWood | Carmen Cristescu firstname.lastname[at]ri.seYlva Sandin firstname.lastname[at] |
Estimating the material stock in wooden residential houses in Finland Quantifying the amount of wood available in Finnish residential houses in 2017 | Publication | InFutUReWood | Bahareh Nasiri firstname.lastname[at] |
Development of a life cycle inventory database and life cycle impact assessment of the building demolition stage: a case study in Germany Project-specific inventory data for the calculation of life cycle assessments for the building’s demolition stage | Publication | InFutUReWood | Raphaela Ivanica lastname[at] |
Forest Management and Logistics Solutions
Result | Result type1 | Project | Contact |
NOBEL Auctioning platform A web platform to enable payments for ecosystem services built based on NOBEL’s 3 business models providing a platform for exchanges between providers, companies, and government agencies. | Software | NOBEL | |
SMALLWOOD Multi-tree harvesting, and combined harvesting and chipping techniques Wood harvesting and extraction innovations aiming to increase sustainable utilisation of small diameter wood. | Methodology | SMALLWOOD | |
MULTIFOREVER Demonstration Plots with Somatic plants Demonstrates performance of advanced somatic seedlings and benefits of new management strategies for plantation multi-varietal forestry. | Prototype | MULTIFOREVER | Andrea Rupps firstname.lastname[at] |
Multi-objective Optimization tool The tool allows to define ecosystem service demands important for society and analyse the optimal management strategy to reach the targets. | Tool | MultiForest | Mikko Mönkkönen firstname.lastname[at] |
Up-scaling and automation of somatic embryo production Improved in-vitro culture techniques making somatic embryo production more effective, up-scaled and automated. | Methodology | MULTIFOREVER | Ulrika Egertsdotter firstname.lastname[at] |
Virtual supply chain laboratory environment for professionals Enables value-tracking and interactive testing of harvesting and transport responses to challenging climate scenarios. | Virtual Environment | GreenLane | |
Trees ‘memory’ of stress applied during early somatic embryogenesis (priming) Conifer trees can memorize stress experienced during early development which could be used as an innovative ‘breeding’ method to introduce new traits of interest. | Methodology | MULTIFOREVER | Paloma Moncaleán pmoncalean[at] |
Somatic embryogenesis initiation from bud explants New methodology of initiating cultures from older trees allowing the direct vegetative propagation of elite trees with known characteristics. | Methodology | MULTIFOREVER | Tuija Aronen firstname.lastname[at] |
Harmonized output data comprising stock, growth and yield, harvest amounts, and soil carbon The forest growth modelling output for five important timber producing countries in the EU using different management strategies and climate change scenarios will provide basic data on potential forest growth, harvest output and basis ecosystem services | Dataset | ValoFor | |
Productivity ranges of forest machines Based on empirical work studies, optimal working radii were derived for different models of forestry machines, also under the influence of operator assistance such as IBC or rotating cabs. The results served as a foundation for the development of the coach. | Data set/ Model/ Publication | AVATAR | Florian Hartsch firstname.lastname[at] |
Sensor platform for detection of forest machine environment In a field study, a harvester was equipped with a sensor platform that can record the machine environment and the position of the harvester head in relation to the forest machine. | Prototype | AVATAR | Csongor Horvath firstname.lastname[at] |
Head-Up-Display in forest machine cabin to display machine surrounding and working ranges In a field study, the cabin of a harvester was equipped with a HUD that displays the machine environment (data collected from sensor platform) to the operator to help with optimal positioning. | Prototype | AVATAR | Florian Hartsch firstname.lastname[at] Csongor Horvath Esteban Arboix |
List of advantageous and disadvantageous work practices of forest machine operators Based on extensive interviews, a list of advantageous and disadvantageous work practices of forest machine operators was developed, which can be used in future machine operator training to better assess strengths and weaknesses of young and also experienced operators | Data set/ Publication (pending) | AVATAR | Florian Hartsch firstname.lastname[at] dreger[at] Martin Englund even[at] |
Stem diameter measuring accuracy algorithm Based on empirical data, the accuracy of harvester head measurements can be assessed. | Data set | AVATAR | Maria Nordström firstname.lastname[at] |
Policy Reports and Recommendations
Result | Result type1 | Project | Contact |
Sectoral policies drive forest management and ecosystem services Provides leverage points for policymakers to increase coherence among future policies and improve implementation of multiple uses of forests. | Publication | MultiForest | Mikko Mönkkönen firstname.lastname[at] |
ValoFor Report on forest owner characteristics, legal frameworks and forest behaviour Provides recommendations for practice, policy and industry on national and EU level specifically on small forest owners’ perception towards the bioeconomy, forest management, climate change adaptation and forest conservation | Study, Methodology and Model | ValoFor | |
I-MAESTRO Recommendations for Practice and Policy Policy recommendations on management strategies to ensure resilience and high levels of ecosystem services provisioning at different scales, ranging from stands and landscapes to the European level. | Publication | I-MAESTRO | |
I-MAESTRO European Database on Forest Disturbances
The updated database will provide a precise overview of past events and trends, and better predictions for the future. | Dataset | I-MAESTRO | |
I-MAESTRO analysis of impacts of disturbances, management and climate change scenarios on ecosystem services with forest models Uses forest simulation models addressing interactions between disturbances, forest management, climate change and structural complexity. | Study | I-MAESTRO | |
MULTIFOREVER Somatic plant market analysis survey Provides an understanding of the current knowledge and interest of the EU forest-wood sector to invest in somatic embryogenesis technology (Finland: done/submitted for publication; Sweden: ongoing; EU scale: coming soon). | Study | MULTIFOREVER | Daniel Gräns firstname.lastname[at]slu.seMikko Tikkinen firstname.lastname[at] |
Report on small forest enterprise production and profitability The report can be used to better understand the economic constrains of small forest owners as a basis for policy development. | Study | ValoFor | |
Report on the status of forest ecosystem services and biodiversity in small private forests Provides better understanding of the trade-offs between various ecosystem services. | Study | ValoFor |
Wood Material Research and Insights Library
Result | Result type1 | Project | Contact |
CLICKdesign validation and optimisation of the decay, exposure, insect, and resistance models A service life model to predict performance of wood in construction | Study | CLICKdesign | Ed Suttie firstname.lastname[at] |
Determination of the mechanical properties of multifunctional CLT Feasibility study and demonstrator for the manufacture of thermally activated wall elements. | Feasibility Study | InnoCrossLam | Matthias Arnold firstname.lastname[at] |
Mechanical behaviour for CLT elements design Covers the mechanical behaviour of cross laminated timber at in-plane shear loading and notched elements at out-of-plane loading – useful for the development of design codes and standards. | Study | InnoCrossLam | Henrik Danielsson firstname.lastname[at] |
hardwood_joint rough shear plane effects Optimising timber joints by activating further load-carrying contributions such as friction through rough shear planes. | Engineering Models | hardwood_joint | |
hardwood_joint finalised single-fastener model Serves as a basis for the development of realistic joint models. | Engineering Models | hardwood_joint |
[1] Results types are: Blueprint; Commercial solution; Data set / data pool; Demonstrator; Feasibility study; Framework (e.g. software environment, policy document, legal framework); Hardware (e.g. chip, appliance, drone, sensor, system); Infrastructure (e.g. IT infrastructure, transport infrastructure, energy infrastructure, water infrastructure, building etc.); Methodology; Model (e.g. risk model, mathematical model, data model, physical model, business model etc.); Patent (e.g. utility, design patents and plant patents); Policy report; Prototype; Proxy/broker service; Research and/or virtual environment; Scientific publication (Refereed); Scientific publication (Non-refereed); Software (e.g. routine, integrated platform, library, plugins); Standard (e.g. norms, policies); Taxonomy / Ontology; Tool / Toolkit / toolbox; Training (e.g. learning tools, services, modules); White paper or similar publication; Other – please specify.
Project Group Members

The projects under the Project Group on Cutting-Edge Forest Technologies and Management Solutions (HRB PDESB FORESTVALUE) have received support from the HRB – Horizon Result Booster – an initiative funded European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, Unit J5, Common Service for Horizon 2020 Information and Data.