With the occasion of the International Conference „Forest Science for people and societal challenges” – The 90th „Marin Drăcea” INCDS Anniversary, organized by the Marin Dracea National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry (INCDS), as partner of the Forest Value2 Project, it was arranged a dedicated special session (Session6) – Policy, science, and practice together in the field of forest on pan-European scale. In the first day of the International Conference, within this session a number of 10 scientific papers were presented, and a Webinar and a Breakfast club were organized in accordance with the WP6 project milestones for the year 2023. This session was chaired by dr. Mika KALIO/ dr. Nikolaus KLEINSCHMIT VON LENGEFELD. As Keynote speaker, dr. Kleinaschmit Von Lengefeld opened this session with a great presentation „Back to the future: 20 years of forest research and innovation – today and tomorrow”.
In the 2nd day of the Conference, this session continued with the organization, on-line and in person, of the Webinar „Policy, science and practice together in the field of forest state monitoring on pan-European scale” chaired by dr. Kalio and dr. Kleinschmit Von Lengefeld, as Milestone of the WP6 – Task 6.1 Series of outreach webinars with high profile guest speakers/panellists (Task Lead: INCDS; Contributors: CREA and MASAF with necessary input from all partners).
The aim of this Webinar was to learn the practical lessons which are the most relevant to share with a European and international community. In this regard, three international high level scientists were invited as panellists: Dr. Marco Ferretti (Policy-framed and science-driven: the ICP Forests model for pan-European forest monitoring), The International Cooperative Programe on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) – Chairman; Dr. Päivi Merilä (Monitoring based data as information source for sustainable forest management and climate change impacts in Finland), Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and Prof. Tudor Stăncioiu (Biodiversity and the challenge of staying close to nature), Transilvania University of Brașov.
Webinar „Policy, science and practice together in the field of forest state monitoring on pan-European scale” – ForestValue2 (Session 6 of International Conference “Forest Science for people and societal challenges” – the 90th “Marin Drăcea” INCDS Anniversary, the 4th of October 2023, Bucharest, Romania.
In the same day of the Conference, on-line and in person meeting was organized, the Breakfast club “Forests capacity to provide ecosystem services” – Task 6.3 Online Breakfast Clubs for early-stage researchers & industry (Task Lead: INCDS; Contributors: CREA and MASAF with necessary input from all partners), moderated by Dr. Alessandro Paletto, CREA, Italy and Dr. Ecaterina Apostol, Marin Drăcea” INCDS, Romania. The main objective of this Breakfast club was to stimulate the emergence of new research and development topics by means of scientific debates around current and future issues of the forestry and environment sectors. In this regard, a high-level scientist was invited as panellist, dr. Ovidiu BADEA – There is a correspondence between functions and services provided by forest and the Romanian Functional Zoning System of Forest.
On October 5th with the occasion of the field trip of the Conference, a Scientific Café “Forests and forestry – solutions for climate change and climate risk adaptation and mitigation” was organized, on-line and in person, was organized with the aim of involving stakeholders to discuss scientific topics in an informal setting. The event was organized with the great support of the to the Bucegi Natural Park Administration. During the Scientific Aperitif the following two sub-topics were discussed:
Subtopic 1 – Ecosystems services provided by forests (Invited Speaker/expert – Prof. dr. Bogdan POPA, Transilvania University of Brașov, Expert – dr. Diana PITAR Senior Research Scientist, Marin Drăcea INCDS, and rapporteurs – dr. Ecaterina APOSTOL Senior Research Scientist, Marin Drăcea INCDS; dr. Alexandru Claudiu DOBRE, Marin Drăcea INCDS – Researcher);
Subtopic 2 – Biodiversity of forests and wildlife conservation (Invited Speaker/expert- Prof. dr. Tudor STĂNCIOIU, Transilvania University of Brașov, Expert – dr. Ancuța FEDORCA Senior Research Scientist, Marin Drăcea INCDS and rapporteurs – dr. Ecaterina APOSTOL Senior Research Scientist, Marin Drăcea INCDS, eng. Mihai HAPA, Marin Drăcea INCDS – Researcher. At this scientific event, dr. Ovidiu BADEA Senior Research Scientist, Marin Drăcea INCDS had the role as facilitator.