Summer training course – Forest health and monitoring in the age of remote sensing
Romania, Brașov, INCDS Marin Drăcea
12th-16th of May 2025
“Marin Drăcea” National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry, Romania, as partner of the ForestValue2 will organise within the WP6 – Others joint activities – Summer training courses for early-stage researchers, the Summer Training Course Forest health and monitoring in the age of remote sensing
Main topic – active sensors in forest monitoring
The aim of the Summer Training Course „Forest health and monitoring in the age of remote sensing” is to improve the capacity of early-stage researchers in the forest monitoring and forest resources management field to understand climate risk and to design local adaptation measures tailored to decision-makers’ needs. The main topic to be addressed during the Summer Training Course will be forest monitoring, and the underlying methods for assessing, measuring, analysis, and data validation to process and link information to science and practice. Novel methods based on the integration of active remote sensing (Earth Observation data, Close Range Terrestrial Laser Scanning, as well as Aerial Laser Scanning) data with in situ measurements will be presented. Within the Training Course, theoretical and practical lessons will be held on the research/monitoring of Level I and Level II ICP Forests Networks and LTER sites. Participants Early-stage researchers belonging to any partner in the ForestValue2 Project are welcome to participate and are eligible to apply.
The training course is intended for early-career researchers from the EU-13 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova. A maximum of 20 persons can participate (Master’s, Doctoral or Post-doctoral researchers and Others).
Financial support – is assured by the ForestValue2 Project and cover the costs for travel, accommodation and subsistence.
Organizer – National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry” Marin Drăcea” (INCDS), with the support of the Transilvania University of Brașov.
To apply – please fill the online application form using the link and send an email with your Europass CV and contact details and full address; Subject of the mail “FOREST VALUE2 – SUMMER TRANING COURSE” to: Ecaterina Apostol, .
Selected trainees will receive information about registration and presentation of their own research (details about abstract and presentation form). Location and accommodation The Summer Training Course will be hosted by National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry” Marin Drăcea” ( and Transilvania University of Brașov (
Deadline – all applications must be submitted by email to Ecaterina Apostol by 6th of March 2025. Applicants will be informed about the application result 14th of March, 2025.
>> Find more about the invited lecturers and programme of the training course in the PDF document.