JC 2023


Innovative spatial forest planning for supporting resilient multifunctional forest management

Coordinator: Andrej Bončina, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Other partners: SI, EE, FI, PL
Duration: 2024-2027

Project objective: To sustain multiple ...

JC 2023


Unveiling sustainable operating spaces for European forests

Coordinator: Matteo VIZZARRI, University of Milan, Italy


Other partners: IT, DE, ES, NO, RO
Duration: 2024-2027

Project objective: SOSFOR delineates sustainable operating ...

JC 2023


Framework for smart condition reassessment of Reclaimed Timber to eXtend the service life of long-lived wood products using non-destructive testing and automated data postprocessing

Coordinator: Katarzyna OSTAPSKA, SINTEF, Norway

JC 2023


InCREased Service life of innovative TIMber Building systems

Coordinator: Dr. Stefania Fortino, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), Finland


Other partners: FI, IE, IT, NO, PL, SI ...

JC 2021


Seeing trees and forests for the future: assessment of trade-offs and potentials to breed and manage forests to meet sustainability goals

Coordinator: Katri Kärkkäinen, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland
katri.karkkainen ...

JC 2021


Tree bark as a renewable source of wood protection materials for building applications

Coordinator: Mika Sipponen, Stockholm University (SU), Sweden
mika.sipponen (at) mmk.su.se

Other partners: FI, LV, NO, PL, SI
Duration: 2022-2025 ...

JC 2021


The role of forest recovery from biotic and abiotic threats for risk resilient management

Coordinator: Anja Rammig, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Anja.Rammig (at) tum.de

Other partners: SE, SI
Duration: 2022-2025 ...

JC 2021


The next generation of forest maps – adapting a Nordic success story across the globe

Coordinator: Johan Fransson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
johan.fransson (at) slu.se

Other partners: FI, ...

JC 2021


Learning to realize multiple forest policy objectives under climate related stress and disturbance

Coordinator: Karin Beland-Lindahl, Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Sweden
karin.beland.lindahl (at) ltu.se

Other partners: DE, PL, SI
Duration: 2022-2025 ...

JC 2021


Sustainable and multifunctional use of forest biomass

Coordinator: Tord Snäll, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
tord.snall (at) slu.se

Other partners: FI, NO
Duration: 2022-2025 (to be confirmed)

Project objective: SustMultBiomass ...

JC 2021


Promoting safe and extended use of wood products in health buildings through development of antimicrobial surfaces, hygiene concepts, and guidelines

Coordinator: Vesa Virtanen, University of Oulu, Finland
vesa.virtanen (at) oulu.fi

Other ...

JC 2021


Enhanced Life-Cycle-Costing in wood construction by novel methods for service life planning

Coordinator: Christian Brischke, University of Göttingen (Uni-Göttingen), Germany
christian.brischke (at) uni-goettingen.de

Other partners: EE, NO, SE, SI
Duration: 2022-2025 (to ...